Web site of the Irkutsk DXers

Interval Signals Collection

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Signature tunes and interval signals from all over the world


From Deutsche Welle's CD "Signature tunes" booklet:

Signature tunes and interval signals are generally composed of relatively short but catchy sequences of notes, which are very easily recognizable. These melodies have two functions complementing one another - they are both signature tunes for a specific broadcaster as well as fillers. Thus, they serve as a musical means of identefication of a station, besides the spoken announcements.

Many broadcasting stations transmit their signature tunes at the begining and at the end of their programmes, and sometimes even in-between. Often, these tunes can be heard for minutes before a programme starts, making finding a station easier in the wide spectrum of frequencies and stations broadcaststing simultaneously. In addition, they can serve as an almost indispensable means for those listeners, whose receivers do not possess a digital frequency readout and who, therefore, have to actually search the bands for the station they want to listen to. Often based on traditional songs or compositions of famous composers, these tunes offfer a wide variety of sounds patterns exceeding the mere function as a simple means of recognition. In many cases, they were written for traditional instruments such as drums or shepherd's pipes or consists of bells of world-famous cathedrals. Their sound, rhythm and intonation make them a kind of musical picture of a country and its inhabitants, depicting geographical impressions of a country's expanse as well as people's emotions, letting sometimes shine through the whole range of temperament between happiness and melancholy. Some tunes are full of drama, fire and infectious rhytms, while other show more composure, complacency and solemnity.


Welcome to Real Sounds from the Past and Present Days !

You will find below some signature tunes, jingles and interval signals in Real Audio format for you nostalgie and pleasure. Good listening !


DX programs

"Austrian Short Wave Panorama" , Radio Austria International

"DX Corner" , Radio Japan

"DX Partyline" , HCJB

"Communications World" , Voice Of America

"Sweden Calling DXers" , Radio Sweden




Amur Radio , Blagoveschensk, 6060 khz, opening of evening block at 18.10 local time.

Bayerischer Rundfunk , interval signal presented in "DX Partyline" program for "Interval Signal Contest"

BFBS , shortwave relay to the Middle East during the Gulf War

BFBS , BBC special broadcast for the British Forces at the Middle East

Buryat Radio , Ulan Ude , 279 khz (//4795 khz)

China Radio International, former IS on "East is Red" song

Chita Radio , Chita, Russia, 4860 kHz

Chukot Radio , Anadyr' , Russia, 9600 kHz (via Magadan)

Cyprus Radio , maritime station

ELWA , Christian SW station from Monrovia, Liberia

European Christian Radio

FEBC , Khabarovsk, Russia, 9560 khz

Golos Rossii , Voice of Russia - Russian Service, former I.S.

HLAZ , FEBC-Korea, 1566 kHz, Opening of the Russian language broadcasts

Iran's Flag of Freedom Radio


KGEI , San Francisco - samples in English, Spanish and Russian from 80ths

Khabarovsk , Russia , 7210 kHz

KNLS , former interval signal

KNLS , present interval signal

Kol Israel , Voice of Israel's I.S., ID & opening in Russian

Kyrgyz Radio , Bishkek

Lao National Radio , French broadcast opening via facility in U.S.S.R.

La Voz del C.I.D. , clandestine station on 9942 kHz , interval signal presented in "DX Partyline" progra for "Interval Signal Contest"

New Star Broadcasting Station , mistery Chinese language number station.
You can find more about this station on Hans van den Boogert's Radio China homepage.

Radio Ala , independent station (SW and MW), Moscow, 1992

Radio Ala , News jingle

Radio Aum Shinrikyo , via Radio Moscow World Service, 1992

Radio Australia , old jingle

Radio Baghdad , Russian Service

Radio Bangladesh

Radio Botswana , interval signal presented in "DX Partyline" progra for "Interval Signal Contest"

Radio DVR , first independent station at the Sovet Far East, they used slogan ID and announcements in English, Japanese, Chinese.

Radio Irina , Russia , anti-Vietnamese station

Radio Luxemburg

Radio Moscow World Service

Radio Moscou Internacional , Radio Moscow French Service

Radio Nadezhda , first independent women's station in Russia, broadcasted formerly on shortwaves.

Radio Polonia , Polish Radio, External Service

Radio Tsentr Rossii (GTRK "Tsentr Rossii") , Krasnoyarsk , 5290 kHz

Radio Rossii , old jingle

Radio Budapest , former IS , that was changed this past summer

Radio Damascus , opening of the Russian broadcast with exotic tune and ID , 1990

Radio Monte Carlo , Cyprus , 600 kW MW commercial station on 1233 kHz

Radiostation Belarus , interval signal and ID in Belorussian, via Far Eastern relay.

Radiostation Free Russia see QSLs here and here

Radiostation Khakh Tengher-Blue Sky Radio, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 4850 khz

Radio Sweden , interval signal from the 80ths.

Radiostantsiya Pamyat , Radiostation Memory, Russia

Solomon Island Broadcasting Corp. , Radio Hapi Isles, received on May-11-99, 5020 khz

Tomsk , "Radio Region" progra, Russia , 171 khz

Trans World Radio , TWR-Bonaire, Netherlands Anthilles, interval signal presented in "DX Partyline" progra for "Interval Signal Contest"

Trans World Radio , TWR-Monaco, IS and Russian broadcast opening

Trans World Radio , TWR-Sri Lanka via CIS

Tuva Radio , Kyzyl , Russia , 5550 khz, signature tune and bi-lingual morning opening

Voice of Asia , Taiwan

Voice of Free Asia , Bangkok, Thailand, 1575 kHz, English progra opening

Voice of Unity , clandestine broadcasting

V.O.R.G.A.N. - clandestine station, A Voz da Resistancia de Galo Negrol, Angola

Yakutsk , Russia , 7200 kHz

 > More DX soundclips can be found at:

Dave Kernick's Interval Signal Archive

Nobuyuki Kawamura's Interval Signal Library

Tom Sundstrom's TRS Consultants Online

Al Quaglieri's Interval Signals Online

Uwe Volk's Sounds from Germany....and elsewhere

Dan Henderson's On the Road with Dan Henderson

Mahendra Vaghjee's Sounds from Mauritius

Bill Whitacre's The Sounds of Shortwave

Hans van den Boogert's DX logbook

Vaghjee's Listen to Africa

Digital Sounds

Clandestine Audio

Guide to jingle collecting

Hironori Yonemitsu's The Sounds of Africa

Christian Schmid's click here (in German)

Frank van Gerwen's Sounds off the Wireless

Italian site IDS Warehouse

Rich McVicar's Rich's Radio Room

Australian Jingles from the Past and the Present

Tore Johnny's Radio sound-clips

Takeyuki Suzuki's Nagoya DXers Circle Audio Archives

Dmitry Mezin's Real Sounds


Last revised: 2003-07-17